A Decade of Reverie: Tales of Contemplation
June 5 – June 27, 2010
Opening Reception: June 5th – 4:30pm
TKG+ – Taipei, Taiwan
The Tina Keng Gallery will be presenting artist Li-lan’s solo exhibition, A Decade of Reverie: Tales of Contemplaton, at its Neihu space TKG+. The 20 works presented at this exhibition fully illustrate Li-lan’s artistic voyage over the past decade, as well as revealing a contemporary artist’s creative progress and development.
The contemplative landscape on the canvas contains a calm and engaging place for the artist Li-lan. Beginning with empty sheets of notebooks, Li-lan has filled them in with her visual imagination, hovering ambiguously between fantasy and reality. That is her own space for free-flowing thoughts. The blankness of the white area in her paintings alludes to the air, to breath, and the rich palette of colors hints at delightful expressions. No matter if the imagery is a close-up or a zoom-out, each work reflects the artist’s peace of mind and her experience of cultural journey. Everything would be told silently.
Fragments of daily life, infinite unbounded imagination, and meditative contemplation, are interconnected within Li-lan’s collage-like compositions. She observes, perceives, and represents the landscape of the mind with her rainbow-colored brushes.
Excerpted from Tung-Hsiao’s “Contemplative Landscape of the Mind”
A Decade of Reverie: Tales of Contemplation will include work from 2000, all the way up to Li-lan’s latest works from 2010. An opening reception for the artist will take place on Saturday, June 5th at 4:30pm. The exhibition will run from June 5th to June 27th.
For more information, please visit The Tina Keng Gallery’s website at